SOP 2 - Parkland Golf

Welcome to Season of Play 2 PGA

Jan. 29 - 2024

Parkland Golf Academy - SOP 2

Golf instruction and dryland sessions have been posted on RAMP for the month of February.  You should have received an email granting access to the RAMP App to view each of the sessions. All communication will go through the website and the RAMP App.  The website is linked to the app and is also loaded with all dates, times and locations.

As a reminder, athletes will need to be picked up at On Par Golf (485 South Avenue, Spruce Grove) at 2:50pm when they are scheduled for golf instruction. During days when they are attending dryland they can be picked up at Accelerate Athletics Alberta (485 South Ave Unit 144, Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 3B5).  

PGA fees are now due.  Please submit your $380.00 payment ASAP. 

Payment can be sent to  Please ensure your athletes full name and PGA is in the notes section.

Craig & Jason


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